
Jan Craig Headcovers began in the early 1960s when Jan, an avid golfer, couldn’t find a set of headcovers to match the quality of her new clubs. Being handy with yarn and needles, Jan decided to knit her own. The result was a combination of sensibility and style that family and friends noticed – and it wasn’t long before she was taking orders.
In the mid-1960s, a young touring professional named Jack Nicklaus ordered a set, and as his success grew, so did recognition of his ever-present Jan Craigs Headcovers. The tradition continues today with the same design as her originals. And like always, every cover is handmade in the USA.
In the early days we were located near a small town northeast of Cincinnati. The "street" address gave a good hint as to our environs: Rural Route #1. If you called to place an order, you might have encountered a busy signal; not due to lots of phone orders but because we shared an old fashioned "party line" with about a dozen other farm houses.
After Jan passed away, her sister-in-law and brother, Gretchen and Dave Sprout, offered Bert their help in making sure the little business continued as Jan would have wanted. Gretch and Dave moved the headcover office 30 miles north to their home in Dayton. Later, they relocated themselves and the business to Sarasota. When they decided it was time to retire and play more golf, Jan's oldest son and his wife took the reins and moved the business (north again) to the basement of their home in Chicago. With a growing brood of their own (they named their first daughter Janet, in honor of her grandmother), space limitations finally resulted in Jan Craig Headcovers having its first-ever outside-the-home office. The "world headquarters" have remained in Chicago for the past twenty years.

Jan Craigs have graced all kinds of bags over the years: some of them carrying the sticks of the best players in the world. But most of those bags just hold the clubs of golfers who (like us) love to play the game for fun. Whatever your level of play Jan Craig Headcovers are the classic accessory for golfers who favor good looks, style and tradition.